Location PrefixWinthrop

57 Putnam St, Winthrop, MA 02152

About Our Winthrop Office

Our Winthrop, MA office offers our clients with a wide variety of personal and commercial coverage through top-rated insurance companies.

We customize insurance programs to meet the needs of each individual client. Our team will provide you with hands-on interaction, expert insurance counsel, and our unyielding promise that we’ll stand up for you with insurance carriers to get you the best possible outcome with the most cost-effective protection for each situation.

Let us help you find the right policies and coverage options. We’ll ask the right questions, assess your current risks, and make sure there aren’t any holes in your coverage.

Contact us today to learn more about the products and services we offer and how we can protect your business and personal assets.

Baldwin Welsh & Parker Insurance Agency was acquired by AssuredPartners on 8/6/21.

Talk to an Agent

Looking for Home or Auto insurance? Talk to one of our qualified personal insurance agents today.